Last night we had the ZOWIE eXTREMESLAND PUBG Inter City Cup Korea vs China vs Japan concluded
Last night we had the ZOWIE eXTREMESLAND PUBG Inter City Cup Korea vs China vs Japan concluded. and Korea had a dominated against the other 2 countries, taking 229 points from the series.
We will be having our 7th eXTREMESLAND PUBG Inter City Cup, which is Korea vs China vs Japan!
This is something a little bit different from the current topic. We will be having our 7th eXTREMESLAND PUBG Inter City Cup, which is Korea vs China vs Japan!
But this time for the first time, we have a 3 countries set-up, each countries will have 24 players to go against other countries. 24 players as a team, 2 players in a squad, 12 squads in a country.
Chinese teams are also getting ready!
Chinese teams are also getting ready! We will be diving into Erangel for the first 3 maps, and Miramar for the last 2.
Stay tuned for more information on today's ZOWIE eXTREMESLAND PUBG Inter City Cup China vs Japan!
Chinese stream: