The eXTREMESLAND CS:GO Asian Open lineup finished and SCARZ advanced Japan's Division In the map fo



Writer:eXTREMESLAND    Time:2018-10-07


SCARZ from Japan's Division advanced the CSGO Asian Open with complete victory

    On September 30th, the eXTREMESLAND CS:GO Asian Open Japan Division Galleria Gamemaster Cup finals sponsored by ZOWIE GEAR started. SCARZ Absolute and lgnis meet in the finals. Finally SCARZ defeat lgnis with 2:0 and get the place to advance to the Shanghai finals. The specific competition is as follows.


    In the map forbidden stage, SCARZ disables Inferno as before, where they have the lowest winning ratio. Mirage is selected as the first game map. lgnis disables the death amusement park and selects the Train station as the second map. NUKE is left as the third map. It seems that the Japan teams prefer the nuclear crisis.


    At the start, SCARZ won the pistol to take the lead. But in the first long gun game they are smashed by lgnis after the rash RUSH B. Then SCARZ took the lead to find the rhythm and continuously broke through the middle road defense of lgnis, which was dragged by the economy. Being reset once means losing two points in a row, and for the first half they are only able to hold 4 points. In the second half, SCARZ re-controlled pistol, lgnis relied on Sen's Desert Eagle triple Kill headshot to hardly reverse the disadvantage, and they then chose RUSH B like SCARZ for the first half. The ending was SCARZ winning the first map Mirage with 16:5.


    Here we came to the second game map train station, SCARZ took first to do the defensive CT, in the pistol period two player reached the red stairs but made a death and injury by lgnis’ two grenade. and then in the outfield fake smoke they turned into the infield, lgnis shredded SCARZ with the cost of the two smoke bomb and two grenade, after which the dramatic scene appeared. The lgnis choose all moving forward under the big advantage of three vs one, without leaving the defenders to watch the bag. When the last 10 seconds countdown, carrying the cigarette scissors Laz appeared on the low slope of the infield. Although noticed by lgnis, it was too late, in the last second Laz removed the bomb. 


    Lgnis took advantage of the bomb tactics to win the first long gun and shoot Laz on the dead body who protect the gun. In the second long gun Hornet jumped inside under the sniper battle, and caught takej who defense area B alone. A connection smoke bomb prevented SCARZ from defensing back. SCARZ chose to put four people to protect gun, and the unreasonable lgnis use five people to collect guns all the way without putting the bag down. In the end, although they won this game, this one action exposed a lot of problems.




    Lgnis chose the train to play for some reason, and the tough SCARZ relied on the defensive advantage of the sniper rifle to recover a few points. The final score of the first half was locked at SCARZ’s lead of 8:7. In the second half, SCARZ, who had buried the bag, did not work with AK in the third game. Instead, in the next pistol gun they tear the defense of lgnis relying on Reita. Then the lgnis double sniper system made SCARZ headache. After 13 draws, SCARZ finally overtake the score for their experience. It was also in this game that they successfully killed two lgnis gun-protector and opened the economic gap. The two team’s thrilled mutual success and failure let SCARZ finally win the second game with a score of 16:14. SCARZ defeated lgnis with the total score 2:0 and won the million yen prize of Galleria Gamemaster Cup 2018, and also the access to eXTREMESLAND finals. 


    So far, the three-month eXTREMESLAND CSGO Asian Open qualifier is all over. A total of 15 division span 24 countries and regions, and the final 16 winning teams have been decided. They are the 5Power, FLASH Gaming, Chiefs, MVP.PK, Optic india, XCN, FrostFire, TNC, NASR, D13, BOOT.DS, Sad Story, Beyond, Royal bandits, Revolution and Japan's SCARZ Absolute. They will gather in Shanghai, China on October 18 to battle with each other for winning the champion.



